

Product Range

We are engaged in the manufacturing of natural probiotics drink from African Palm sap for vitality and wellness

All our processes from farm to production are ethical and environmental friendly.

Our list of products cut across different agro allied tropical fruits, which includes;

  1. Raypine Raffia Palm Wine Drink(Oguro)
  2. Raypine Palm Wine Drink(Emu)
  3. Raypine Probiotics Palm Drink
  4. Xtreme Tropics Premix Cocktail
  5. Xtreme Tropics Fruit Drink
  6. Raypine Bitters 
  7. Xtreme Tropics Spiced Tigernut Drink
  8. Raypine Party Palm Drink Pack
Xtreme Tropics Premix Cocktail

Xtreme Tropics Premix Cocktail

Xtreme Tropics Premix Cocktail 

Xtreme Tropics Premix Cocktail drink is a blend of fermented and distilled Waterlemon, Ginger, pineapple and Strawberry with palm sap. It is a refreshing low calorie drink which provides hydration and also essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants

Raffia Palm Drink

Raffia Palm Drink

Raypine Raffia Palm Wine Drink (Oguro)

Raypine Raffia Palm Drink also known as Oguro, Ngwo and Ukot in our local language.
Freshly tapped and naturally preserved palm sap from Raffia Palm tree (Raphia hooker) with 2.5% alcohol content, contains no additives and packaged in pet convenient bottle
Raypine Palm Drink

Raypine Palm Drink

Raypine Palm Drink (Emu)

Raypine Palm Drink also known as Emu Ajaabale, Nkwu Elu, Tuba and Gya in our local language.

Freshly tapped and naturally preserved palm sap from Oil Palm tree (Elaeis guineensis) with less than 1% alcohol content, contains no additives and packaged in pet convenient bottle

Raypine Dispense Palm Wine.. Party Pack

Raypine Dispense Palm Wine.. Party Pack

Raypine Party Palm Drink Pack

In the bid of trying to satisfy our clients, we have our Palm wine in a dispensable jar which we basically produce upon request.


Always available

Raypine Bitters

Raypine Bitters

Raypine Bitters

An exclusively blended herbs with tripple filtered distilled Palm spirit .

A herbal spirit drink that is highly medicinal for treatment of infections, sexual dysfunction, menstrual disorder and helps sexual performance. An effective blood purifier

Tigernut Ginger drink

Tigernut Ginger drink

Xtreme Tropics Spiced Tigernut Ginger Drink

Xtreme Tropics Tigernut is a blend of Tigernut Coconut and Ginger that contains enough protein and carbohydrates. It contains a good quantity of vitamin B1, which assists in balancing the central nervous system and helps to encourage the body to adapt to stress. It's used to treat stomach pain, aid normal menstruation, adding that it helped to heal mouth and gum ulcers.

Watermelon, Strawberry Pineapple and Ginger Fruit Drink

Watermelon, Strawberry Pineapple and Ginger Fruit Drink

Xtreme Tropics Watermelon, Strawberry, Pineapple and Ginger Fruit Drink 

Xtreme Tropics Fruit drink is a blend of Waterlemon, Ginger, pineapple and Strawberry. It is a refreshing low calorie drink which provides hydration and also essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants

Ginger Lemonade

Ginger Lemonade

Xtreme Tropics Ginger Lemonade

Xtreme Tropics Lemonade is made from freshly squeezed lemons which is full of minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin C, which helps strengthen your immune system. It also helps digestion and mineral absorption and aids weight loss

Our Range of Alcoholic Products

Our Range of Alcoholic Products

Oshin Ayokunlemi